Chevron Driver Safety Program

Chevron works to meet the world s growing demand for energy by exploring for oil and natural gas; refining and marketing gasoline; producing chemicals and geothermal.

Everyone at Chevron is guided by a set of values called the Chevron Way. Watch how the Chevron Way has helped employees build successful careers.

Our commitment to the health and safety of our workforce is one of the values in The Chevron Way. It reads, We place the highest priority on the health and safety of.

Employee Contractor Operational Excellence Handbook VERSION 1.0 own safety program, a Chevron Safety Passport.

chevron driver safety program Workforce Health & Safety

OSHA Safety - Contractor Safety Program : Purpose: The Contractor Safety Program is designed to protect company and contractor employees, equipment and facilities.

chevron driver safety program

Chevron Delo is joining with Mack Trucks to sponsor the American Trucking Association s Share the Road highway safety program. Share the Road delivers the trucking.

Our commitment to the health and safety of our workforce is one of the values in The Chevron Way. It reads, We place the highest priority on the health and safety of our workforce and protection of our assets and the environment. This commitment is also managed through our OEMS and reinforced at all levels of the corporation.

Chevron has spent decades building a strong safety culture through OEMS. We strive to achieve world-class performance and prevent all incidents through a rigorous and systematic process of continuous improvement. Our workforce truly believes that incidents are preventable and that zero incidents is achievable. We have policies, processes, tools and behavioral expectations in place to assist us in achieving that goal. Chevron commissions Lloyd s Register Quality Assurance Ltd. each year to provide independent assurance on the effectiveness of our processes for reporting health, environmental and safety indicators to the Oil and gas industry guidance on voluntary sustainability reporting 2010 industry guidelines maintained by IPIECA the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues, the American Petroleum Institute and the International Association of Oil Gas Producers.

The single largest factor for success in operational excellence OE is leadership. Leaders are focused on getting results the right way and behaving in accordance with our values. Through their actions, leaders cascade, manage and drive execution and reinforcement of the OE culture, instill operational discipline, and work to ensure that they and the entire workforce comply with OE requirements. Leaders model that zero incidents is attainable across our business in safety, health, environment and reliability.

Chevron is committed to preventing serious injuries and fatalities, which requires operational discipline. This means performing every task the right way every time, from assessing hazards to executing each step of the job to conducting a post-activity review. Personal safety is managed by multiple targeted processes within our Operational Excellence Management System. Written safe-work practices are a core part of our comprehensive safety program. These safe-work practices help ensure that potentially hazardous work, such as electrical work or entry into a confined space, is properly planned, permitted, executed and closed out to prevent workplace injuries and incidents. We take steps to extend these safety principles to our contractors by reinforcing our expectations and monitoring compliance with requirements throughout the life cycle of our projects. This includes engaging with our contractors to improve oversight of their activities.

We eliminate or mitigate risks by identifying hazards, taking actions to reduce them and sharing what we know. To accomplish this, we have developed our hazard identification tool, our job hazard and safety analysis, and our Preventing Serious Injury and Fatalities Field Guide. These tools help those involved in high-risk activities identify and control the significant potential hazards unique to each job activity.

Chevron supports many workforce safety programs. With much of our workforce operating motor vehicles on and off the job, we are committed to improving road safety. Our comprehensive Road Safety Management Program is part of our OEMS, and our Motor Vehicle Safety Standard identifies and mitigates risks associated with motor vehicle operations to help protect our employees and contractors from serious injuries and fatalities. Since 2003, Chevron has prohibited using cellphones and electronic devices while driving a company vehicle or driving on company business. We also require many individuals in our workforce to complete specific defensive driver training. For more than 15 years, we have provided a custom defensive driving training program through our partnership with the Smith Driver Improvement Institute. Our motor vehicle crash rate is among the lowest in our industry.

Our behavior-based safety programs, which include peer evaluations, improve safety awareness among our entire workforce. Employees and contractors alike know they have stop-work authority and the responsibility to stop unsafe and at-risk behaviors without repercussions.

In 2014, the Lost Time Incident Frequency Days Away From Work incidents and fatalities per million work-hours was 0.11, down from 0.25 in 2009. The rate of work-related incidents that led to at least one employee or contractor fatality per 100 million work hours was 0.49, down from 1.85 in 2009.

Our Zero Is Attainable Personal Safety awards are granted quarterly to eligible Chevron organizations that complete 1 million work-hours or 1,000 days worked with no Days Away From Work or restricted duty incidents and no fatalities. In 2014, 66 organizations received 176 Personal Safety awards.

Although we attained our lowest work-related fatal accident rate on record in 2014, we still sustained three contractor fatalities, underscoring the high priority of continuing to work toward zero incidents. Each incident and fatality is thoroughly investigated so we can understand and learn from the root causes and put solutions in place to help prevent similar incidents. We share lessons learned throughout the company and apply them in our work practices. Chevron has intensified management focus on assuring that critical safeguards are in place for every high-risk activity. We are working together with other companies in our industry to improve work processes that will prevent these serious incidents. During 2015, we intend to maintain our sharp focus on verifying and validating that safeguards are in place, functioning and effective.

For an in-depth look at Chevron s safety statistics, read the 2014 Corporate Responsibility Report.

We also apply our OEMS to manage process safety and work to prevent serious incidents, such as explosions, fires and accidental releases. We conduct systematic reviews of facilities and projects to identify and reduce risk, and we conduct hazard analyses to prevent injury and loss of containment. Multiple layers of protection are engineered into our designs to safeguard our operations in order to prevent or mitigate the effects of mistakes or failures.

Our Zero Is Attainable Process Safety awards are granted quarterly to eligible Chevron organizations that achieve six consecutive months without a Tier 1 or Tier 2 loss-of-primary-containment incident, as defined by American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 754. In 2014, 36 organizations earned 59 Process Safety awards.

We have seen a reduction in Tier 1 incidents from 95 in 2010 to 19 in 2014. Programs that contributed to this improvement involved risk management, asset integrity management, effective operating procedures, process safety performance tracking, well safety and the building of process safety competency at all levels.

Despite our success in reducing loss-of-containment events, serious incidents in 2014 remind us that we must continue to work toward zero process safety incidents. Through what we learn, we improve our procedures, training, maintenance programs and designs to avoid repeating incidents. We share lessons learned throughout the company and with industry organizations, such as the American Petroleum Institute.

Chevron works to minimize the risks and impacts associated with the manufacture, transport, use and disposal of our products. Product assessments are conducted for all new products. Periodically, existing products are reviewed according to the company s Product Stewardship Process. We assess safety, health and environmental information, as well as compliance with product safety legal requirements, both where our products are made and where they are sold or used. Management systems like the OEMS help us identify and comply with product stewardship requirements around the world. We apply common global processes and computer systems to capture and communicate information on the safe handling, transport, use and disposal of our products. We also use those processes and systems to communicate emergency contact information. We have a comprehensive surveillance process to monitor and evaluate the growing number of new regulatory programs that may apply to our products.

For example, in Europe, the chemical regulatory framework Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals REACH requires manufacturers and importers to register their chemicals and provide the European Chemical Agency with extensive information about the potential environmental and health effects of their products. Chevron has developed and implemented rigorous programs at our manufacturing plants, and along the entire supply chain, to meet REACH requirements. To date, we have successfully completed more than 100 substance registrations.

The Product Stewardship Process also covers standard hazard communication practices, such as safety data sheets SDSs and product labeling. Chevron maintains a global database of SDSs and product data sheets for lubricants, fuels and other products marketed by Chevron in North America, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific region. The sheets contain information on the safe use of and potential hazards associated with these products.

Proper labeling and transportation of our products from one country to another can be challenging, and the U.N. Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals GHS is leading changes toward labeling and SDS requirement consistency around the world. In addition, Chevron is classifying the chemicals that it makes based on their potential environmental and health effects and reauthoring SDSs in accordance with the GHS. In 2014, Chevron generated more than 14,500 SDSs in 37 languages to meet these new requirements.

The health of our employees is important to Chevron. We recognize that healthy employees are better able to do their jobs. We also know that many of our employees and contractors plan on working later into life.

We work to help address some of the health risks our employees face. Diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS remain prevalent in some of the countries where we operate. And lifestyle diseases, such as diabetes and obesity, are also affecting our workforce.

Chevron provides support programs and services to help our employees live healthier lives. We consider workforce and community health issues to be key aspects of our project planning. Our coordinated approach to health involves a combination of processes, policies, benefits and environmental supports. Our Fitness for Duty process evaluates whether employees are able to perform the essential physical, psychological and cognitive requirements of their job safely without risk to themselves, others or the environment. We also maintain fitness centers at many of our locations.

For nearly three decades, HIV/AIDS has threatened our workforce, their families and the communities where we operate. Chevron believes that multinational companies have a key role to play in the global effort to combat HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases. Our workplace HIV/AIDS policy and training combines educational programs, peer-to-peer training and counseling, and access to community-based care and treatment to keep healthy workers disease-free and to educate HIV-positive workers on living with the illness.

The potential for repetitive stress injuries exists in every aspect of our lives. The goal of Chevron s Repetitive Stress Injury Prevention RSIP Plan is to identify each worker s level of risk for developing repetitive stress injuries through on-the-job computer use and to implement preventive measures to reduce that risk, which includes providing ergonomic offices. An important component of the RSIP Plan is the Rapid Response process, which encourages identifying risk and reporting discomfort early. This enables us to provide intervention for workers who are experiencing discomfort or who are at high risk. In 2014, Chevron deployed a new RSIP tool to more than 91,000 members of our worldwide workforce who use office computers to conduct Chevron s business.

Chevron North America Exploration and Production Co. is committed to achieving world-class health and safety performance. This page is allows you to find additional.